What can you expect from me!
Today I had such events in life. Based on my reaction began to ask myself what I can do in an extreme situation. Extreme in everyday conversation often referred to situations that threaten health and life of man. More precisely extreme situation can be defined as adverse, difficult conditions of human life, which acquired for a single person or group of persons of special importance; it is objectively difficult conditions, which are perceived and rated as strenuous or dangerous. It is an external, objective side of the problem. Subjectively extreme situations take the form of extreme - special status of the human psyche (extremum-state)due to unusual or extraordinary conditions that give rise to increased anxiety and a special emotional tension. The situation becomes for the man is extremely significant, regardless of the fact.
whether it is a real danger if the danger is only apparent: the problem is a subjective experience of reality. It is therefore possible that the same situation different people will realize how extreme and ordinary; objectively extreme situation will be perceived by an individual as a staff and, on the contrary, objectively safe as extreme.
Extreme situations can be regulated and nereglamentirovannoe. planned and situational, "normal" and "abnormal". Most generally, they are divided into four groups: 1) caused by extraordinary circumstances (natural disaster, natural or man-made disaster, war, mass terrorist attacks and so on); 2) life, everyday (fire, attack the offender, the acute shortage of time, the need to simultaneously address a number of equally important tasks, i.e. those that arise in the life of every person; 3) involving the seizure of potentially hazardous Hobbies : mountain climbing, scuba diving, speed riding, and others); 4) service, professional - based on the implementation of professional duties. With danger to life and health related perform many types of work that contains elements of industrial and occupational risk (miners, pilots, sailors, and others), and performance of military personnel, law enforcement officers and employees of the Ministry of emergencies of Ukraine.
In the activities of law enforcement officials possible each of these situations, but we will pay attention only to the extreme situations of official character. It can be: the process of direct prevention or cessation of violations, interference in the decisions of family and other conflicts between citizens, psychological confrontation when carrying out operative-investigative activities, the wrongful use of the citizens of sources of increased danger, termination group violations of public order and civil unrest, actions in the conditions of a state of emergency, etc. in Addition, the problem may occur due to intense and prolonged pressure during the routine performance of duties.
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